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    Annual Book Week in YCIS Qingdao


    2018 年 11 月 29 日

    10 : 00

    • From November 19th to November 23rd, YCIS Qingdao held its annual Book Week. Fun, engaging and challenging activities were arranged throughout the week to cultivate our students' love of reading and writing.

      Famous children’s author Martin Chatterton visited our school from the UK and held different activities for Primary and Secondary students.

      The Primary students were involved in a Home Language Reading activity. Students listened to a range of stories in different languages read by parents from our school community. Students also worked collaboratively on creating door decorations and developing valuable skills in teamwork and communication along the way.

      During the whole week Book Fair, students bought their favored books.

      Book Week culminated on Friday with a Book Character Costume Parade. Students came to school dressed as their favourite book character or author. The week closed with a whole-school Big Read In where all students along with teachers came together to read their favourite books.

      This year’s Book Week was another wonderful week full of learning, fun and inspiration.