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    A Talk with Former US Governor Peter Shumlin


    2019 年 03 月 01 日

    10 : 00

    • Former US Governor Peter Shumlin visited YCIS Qinqdao on Thursday, February 28 to speak to students about “Climate Change, Leadership and Action Now.” His talk was engaging and prompted the audience to be more globally aware citizens.

      A number of our secondary students asked thoughtful questions. Their questions included inquiries about the burdensome cost of "green energy" for poor countries, current power struggles between two dominate countries, how China can improve its environment, the governor’s most important accomplishment, health insurance in the US. They also asked questions about the Kyoto Protocol, feminism, veganism, nuclear power, tidal energy, and the impact of social media on young people’s thinking. Mr Shumlin’s visit was an excellent opportunity for students to think more globally.