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    Primary Sports Day in YCIS Qingdao


    2019 年 05 月 20 日

    10 : 00

    • On May 16, Yew Chung International School Qingdao hosted one of the biggest events of the year: Primary Sports Day. The school field was busy with different games and sports events, such as obstacle course, javelin throwing and long jump.

      In YCIS Qingdao, we teach our students the value of co-operation and team spirit; hence, the competition was, as always, fierce between the four houses.

      Students were encouraged to wear their house T-shirts and to work incredibly hard, knowing that getting that one position higher in their event meant one more point for their house at the end of the day.

      The activities went throughout the whole day finishing with medals and awards. Lots of parents came to cheer and support their children. Everybody had an amazing day in YCIS Qingdao. Congratulations to our students for their outstanding performances!