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    YCIS Family Orientation Day


    2019 年 08 月 16 日

    10 : 00

    • On August 16th2019, YCIS Qingdao held a New Student Orientation Day in order to help new students to better transition into the first days of class. All new families were invited to come to campus, join an information session, collect Parent Handbook, School Uniform, Bus information etc. At the same time, school academic and supporting team were also available to answer any questions.

      This helped both parents and students to feel better prepared and lessnervous when starting their first day of class.

      In the coming days, our new students will make friends, become used to their schedules, and adapt to their new school environment. The transition happens quickly, and students will soon be able to get up on their feet.

      But once a member of YCIS, always a part of the YCIS family; our school community will continue to support our students long after they’re able to stand on their own. We wish you a wonderful and successful school year!