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    Jiaonan Deaf School Visit


    2019 年 09 月 17 日

    10 : 00

    • On Monday afternoon, September 16th, a group of our lower secondary students visited the Jiaonan Deaf School to take part in a service learning experience and spend time with the children that are always happy to see us.

      Our students got their hands dirty by doing gardening work, an ongoing project to tidy the school grounds and prepare them for planting more plants and vegetables.

      It was a hard working yet fun afternoon and a great opportunity for our students to help others and support the local community.

      Charity and service both play an important role in YCIS and that’s why we are constantly creating opportunities for our students to truly think about what they can do to make the world a better place.

      YCIS Qingdao has been hosting many events from fund-raising activities to service learning to simply volunteering time.

      We invite all members of our school community to take part in volunteer work at or with our school. Please contact Mr. Christo Steyn (Parent Relation Officer: for more details.