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    We Did It - YCIS Qingdao Online Concert Brings Entire School Community Together


    2020 年 12 月 23 日

    10 : 00

    • Christmas is around the corner and, in keeping with the season, YCIS Qingdao students put on a fabulous Christmas concert in the school gym on December 17.

      With the familiar strains of “Hallelujah” ringing through the hall, the concert kicked off. The school choir and orchestra performed on stage along with special violin performances, piano solos and other musical diversions.

      The performers showed off their carefully honed musical skills, inspiring the audience with their spirit of warm festive cheer.

      “Align with Science and Technology”is one of the Yew Chung school mottos. Perhaps unsurprisingly then, YCIS Qingdao took up the challenge with an original song celebrating online learning. Aptly called “Live ON”, the music streamed online with help from seven YCYW campuses and participants from the “E-Learning Professional Development Days” programme.

      This year the whole concert was staged as a live streaming performance in order to share the event with YCIS families and alumni abroad. It is worth clarifying we arranged for a number of rooms with carefully planned seating to allow for pandemic restrictions regarding spacing and audience density. And then the magic of technology brought the whole school community together to share this joyful moment.

      As this year comes to an end, the entire YCIS Qingdao community “joins hands” to move forward together. May these songs of joy and fellowship remain with you throughout this festive season. Merry Christmas!