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    Free dental checks for YCIS QINGDAO Primary students . . .


    2017 年 10 月 13 日

    10 : 00

    • During September, our community partner BYBO Dental, visited YCIS Qingdao on two separate Friday afternoons, to offer their free services to our primary student body. BYBO Dental brought with them a dentist, two dental assistants, and their office staff. Each visit started off with a brief presentation about how to properly care for their teeth, what to expect with losing teeth and growing new ones, and how to know if there is a problem with their teeth. Then, students who had received parental permission also received a free dental check-up from the dentist. Students went home with a gift bag with some supplies for dental care at home, and a dental chart showing in detail the dentist’s findings and recommendations for follow-up. We appreciate our partnership with BYBO Dental and are grateful for their generosity and commitment to the well-being of our students.