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    End of Year Award Ceremony


    2023 年 07 月 04 日

    11 : 29

    • The song "Time" performed by the YCIS Qingdao IIIP Rock Band opened the curtain of this year's End of Year award ceremony.


      On this day, during every academic year, we gather on campus to review the exciting campus life of the entire past academic year, witnessing the delightful progress and achievements of students throughout the year, and to be proud and cheerful for their efforts and gains.


      Year 6 Co-teachers Oliver Murtough shared, “We are all proud of your accomplishments and the wonderful moments we have shared throughout the year. We will miss your smiles, laughter, and inquisitive minds. As you prepare for secondary school, remember you are capable, and you can achieve anything you put your minds to…… You are the architects of your own destiny, and I have no doubt that you will build a future that is bright, impactful, and full of success.”


      Western Co-Principal Stephen O’Connor extended his blessings to the Class of 2023:  "As you move into the next phase of your life, and you encounter people from different backgrounds and perspectives, you will learn new things about yourselves and the world around you. But no matter where life takes you, you will always be connected by the memories and experiences that you shared at YCIS Qingdao. In closing, remember these words. Belief, Confidence and Motivation. I want to leave you with a quote from Nelson Mandela: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."


      "The annual award ceremony does not mean the end, but a new beginning. A new beginning means endless possibilities. I hope that students can look back on this academic year, find their own shining points, affirm their progress, find areas that need improvement, and make practical and feasible plans. Feel the bits and pieces of beauty and continue to set sail with sincere hearts! " Ms. Grace Du, the Chinese principal, said in her speech.


      Thanks to the parents, teachers, and staff of YCIS Qingdao school community for their unwavering support and encouragement in pouring their hearts into the well-rounded development of our students. Every step forward in your children’s growth journey carries full of love and expectation. Wishing everyone a joyful and pleasant summer holiday and see you again in the new school year!