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    Global Community Day


    2023 年 09 月 25 日

    12 : 23

    • On Sept 23, YCIS Qingdao hosted a vibrant and engaging Global Community Day, filled with an array of sports activities and fun games. The event brought together students, parents, teachers, and staff members, creating a lively atmosphere, that celebrated the diverse cultures within the school community, whilst fostering a stronger sense of unity.


      The school grounds were abuzz with excitement as participants of all ages eagerly took part in various sports activities and interactive games. The spirit of friendly competition and teamwork permeated the air as participants cheered each other on, fostering a sense of camaraderie and collaboration.


      It is heartwarming to witness our community members engaging in such joyful activities. The event served as a platform for fostering community cohesion and strengthening relationships among the school community members. Families, teachers, and students had the opportunity to interact in a relaxed and festive environment, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of each other's backgrounds and experiences.


      Thank you to every member of the YCIS Qingdao school community for your participation. Together, we contributed to a Global Community Day filled with joy, nourishing community friendship and connections!