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    YCIS Remarkable Student Achievement- 2019 Cambridge IGCSE Exams


    12 Sep, 2019

    10 : 00

    • Qingdao, June 2019 Exam Series– Congratulations to the Year 11 students on achieving their International General Certificates of Secondary Education (IGCSEs) for this academic year.

      Out of the 12 students enrolled for their IGCSE they were rewarded for their perseverance and dedication by receiving remarkable results including:

      3 students received straight A* and/or As in nine subjects;

      3 students obtained straight A* and/or As in eight subjects;

      3 students received straight A* and/or As in six subjects.

      YCIS Qingdao student overall achievements were well above the global averages for May 2019:

      YCIS QD Percentage of A*- A grades = 60% of all subjects taken

      YCIS QD Percentage of A* - C grades = 97% of all subjects taken

      YCIS QD Percentage of A* for First Language Mandarin and Foreign Language Mandarin courses – 100%

      IGCSE coordinator, Christopher Saunders, comments that, “Everyone involved in Year 11 needs to be congratulated including students, parents and teachers as the results obtained for this examination series are truly exceptional.

      With over 60% of IGCSE subjects being awarded either an A or A*, this clearly demonstrations YCIS Qingdao’s positive mindset towards education. All our students were able to showcase their bilingual abilities across a myriad of subjects.

      The knowledge and experience gained throughout the last two years will surely equip the students for their future learning and eventual careers”.