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    First-Aid Workshop


    09 Oct, 2019

    10 : 00

    • On September 25th, we welcomed YCIS Qingdao parents and caregivers to our Basic First-Aid Workshop, specially designed to share helpful information and general tips for first-aid care to children.

      The interactive presentation was led by our school nurse, Mrs. Gretchen Clarke, and parents had a chance to ask questions for a better understanding of the first-aid tips.

      After the presentation, our parents and caregivers were given the opportunity to practice CPR and learnt how to prepare a first-aid kit for home in case an emergency should arise.

      YCIS Qingdao aims to provide healthcare services intended to make life simpler, safer and healthier for our students and parents.

      On-site healthcare is provided by our full-time nurse who is certified to conduct first aid and handle minor injuries and illnesses. In case of an emergency, parents are contacted immediately.