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    Graduation and End of Year Awards Ceremony


    23 Jun, 2017

    10 : 00

    • The end of each school year brings with it mixed emotions. Our graduates look forward to the challenges and independence of university. Our younger students await a long and relaxed summer. But all students meanwhile look back with nostalgia at another year gone by.

      To commemorate the end of the year, YCIS Qingdao recently held our Graduation and End of Year Awards Ceremony. Students from all year levels took part in the day’s activities, while parents and families also joined to support and cheer on their children.

      School Counsellor and Parent Relations Officer Courtney Leedy recalls the day’s activities:

      “From the morning’s first bell, students grew more and more excited in anticipation of the afternoon’s ceremony. Our Year 13 students walked the hallways with the same fanfare as pop culture stars – young students called out their names from across campus, requesting selfies and signatures in their yearbooks.

      "After lunch, parents and families began to arrive with flowers and cameras at the ready. As students slowly proceeded into the gymnasium, a series of school videos played on the projector from the past year’s events. The mood was festive and cheerful, while Year 13 families grabbed quick, final hugs before the start of the ceremony.

      "Once everyone was seated, Year 12 students Catherine, Christine and Peter took the stage as masters of ceremonies. Primary and Secondary awards followed, as well a collection of rousing musical pieces, including a solo rendition of Chopin’s Waltz by IBDP student Peter Kim.

      "Finally, the highlight of the day was the presentation of diplomas. After walking the stage and officially concluding their time at YCIS, our graduates took turns addressing the crowd, sharing their appreciation for their families and teachers.”

      At YCIS Qingdao, we’re honoured to be a part of our students’ academic journeys. Regardless of where their futures lead, they will always remain a part of the YCIS family.