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    Welcome Back BBQ


    13 Sep, 2023

    08 : 59

    • Welcome Back to School!


      On the first day of school, we held a Welcome Back BBQ on the campus! After a long summer holiday, students were looking forward to seeing their lovely classmates and teachers. Families and school community members also took this opportunity to share joyous moments together!


      Cotton candy, bubbles, magic shows, and clown balloons... the endless activities immersed the students in limitless fun. There were also fantastic performances by the YCIS Qingdao violinists, which brought rounds of applause from the audience.


      For this year's BBQ, the school introduced a DIY hamburger set with chicken, beef, bacon... delicious combinations at your heart's content.


      In the field, we also set up CCA (Co-Curricular Activities) booths. Students could experience a variety of CCAs before selecting their courses for this semester, including football, basketball, ice skating, floral art, fashion design, art, woodworking... The CCAs enrich students' after-school life and also develop more possibilities in their interest cultivation.


      In the new semester, more exciting YCIS stories are about to unfold. Let's look forward to it together!