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    First Annual English-Chinese Translation Competition


    03 Jul, 2017

    10 : 00

    • YCIS Qingdao Secondary students recently took part in a challenging English-Chinese translation competition. 16 students and one teacher participated in two different aspects of the competition: an individual written translation of the song, “Rude” by Magic and a group competition where the students not only translated the song but also performed it.

      Some groups were full of animation and emotion as they acted out the father, daughter, and young man in the song.

      1st place in the individual competition went to Year 10 Peter Dong (Dong Haojia), 2nd place went to Year 10 Leon (Liu Yiyang), and 3rd place went to Year 9 Lisa (Tao Yuzhu). Prizes were given for the 1st place group, most creative group, group with the best script, and best singers.

      Students were encouraged to continue developing their language skills in all languages so that they can be used in their future careers, translation being an area of increasing demand.