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    Year in Review: YCIS Qingdao Boarding and Adventure Playground


    14 Jul, 2017

    10 : 00

    • During the 2016-17 academic year, YCIS Qingdao opened boarding facilities as an option for our Secondary students. The newly opened facilities gave a comfortable, convenient, and spacious housing option for our students. Our full-time boarding parents offered the students a welcoming home environment. The year started out with one student and ended with eight!

      At YCIS Qingdao, we are committed to ongoing school improvement. This academic year we have replaced the slide and playground equipment with brand new equipment and a bigger slide. We also have added an adventure playground area to the playground.

      The additional adventure playground equipment will encourage more physical activity and social interaction. Also, it will create more opportunities for students to play and this is important because play promotes problem solving, creativity and initiative. Furthermore, the adventure activities allow children to take more risks, within a supervised learning environment. Risk-taking increases the resilience of children and it helps them make judgments.